

Players are courageous pirates who want to steal the treasure chests of the pirate ghost by the name of Fishbeard. The raft can only carry two chests and must be balanced to move. One marble is placed into each chest. Then the die is rolled: If the pirate ghosts sits on the footprint in the color of the die Fishbeard recovers two chests from the ship. If not, you pick up one of the chests on the spots of the color rolled. You try to describe the weight to the other players and place the chest on the raft. Then all players debate which chest in the ruins might have the same weight. The chosen chest is placed on the raft, too. If the raft now is balanced the two chests are placed on the ship. If not, they are put back into the ruins and the pirate ghost moves one step. When all chests are in the ship, players have won together. When the pirate ghost reaches the purple footprint, all players have lost together and Fishbeard has won.


Cooperative assessment game for 2-5 players, ages 5 and up * Series: LernSpielSpaß * Designer: Kirsten Hiese * Art: Thies Schwarz * 4292, Haba, 2010 *  *** Habermaaß GmbH *