Polly Pottwal


One player is Paula, the others in turn put a fish on the board till 4 striped and 4 dotted fish are there. Then Paula takes Pollys string with one hand and the placement stick with the other and tries to catch fish. She puts the stick in a hole, puts the string around the stick and pulls Polly forward so that she swallows fish. Polly may only be moved with the help of the string, and one may only pull when the string is around the stick, the stick can be relocated as often as desired, Paula may stand up and move around the table. At time-out Paula receives all fish caught by Polly. When each player was Paula once, the player with the most fish wins. Variant “Die Farbenfische”.


Dexterity game * 2-4 players from ages 4-10 * Designer: Robert F. Watson * Graphics: Stephanie Roehe * ca. 10 minutes * 4223, Haba, Germany, 2005  *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH * www.haba.de