

4 monster dice and 12 cards with monster faces, three of each kind of monster, are used in two different games: In Game 1 you need to recognize the facial expressions. You draw a card, look at it, place the corresponding die for your neighbor and imitate the monster. Your neighbor chooses a face. If card and die face correspond, your neighbor gets the card. In Game 2 you need to find monsters. You roll the die and memorize the face. Then all in turn reveal a card. If you find the monster, you imitate it and - if you succeed – take the card. Series Geschenkwürfel.


Memo and facial expression game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Haba 2015

Designer: Anna Lena Räckers

Artist: Martina Leykamm

Web: www.haba.de

Stock#:  300610


Users: For children

Age: 5


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no