Meine ersten Spiele

Fühlen und Tasten


Components can be used for free play or for several games with rules: 1. Liebes Tier, komm zu mir - an animal from the bag and an animal on the board must be matched. 2. Eins, zwei, drei ... komm herbei - two player need to pull the same animal from their respective bags.  3. Ene, mene, meck, wer hat sich hier versteckt? - You need to match the animal contour on a tile with the animal pawn out of the bag. 4. Ene, mene, buh, wo steckst du? - Variant of 3., again you need to pull an animal with the correct contour from the bag.


Search and groping game for 1-3 players, ages 2+


Publisher: Haba 2017

Designer: Kristin Mückel, Christiane Hüpper

Art: Martina Leykamm


Stock #: 302770


Users: For children

Special: 1 player


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no