Luca und die Farbenschafe


Luca and his white dog Baldur are allowed to look after the tinted colour-sheep. The little shepherd leads the green sheep to a very green meadow, but what does that yellow sheep need? A book for reading out loud, to look at, to tell stories, a story on colours and tinted sheep, and a game in which to roll the die and thread the sheep onto a woollen string. Luca moves from spot to spot, if all the sheep and the dog are threaded before the sun sinks, all animals can sleep in the barn.


Game and story book * Series: Spiel & Buch * 1 child from age 3 * Designer: Stefanie Klinge * Illustrations: Stephanie Roehe * 5312, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *