Deutscher Titel Lausch genau!






Alter                    7



SHH, Listen! 

… listening, guessing, collecting treasures


The Klepton Gang are professionals for cracking vault codes, they just have to jiggle them to distinguish the code. And as there is a golden trophy for the winner in the vault cracking contest all try very hard to crack as many vaults as they can.

Players place their treasure bags on House 1 on the board and place the baubles of their color behind the screen. Each player holds a vault cup and – at the start of each turn – he places this cup over 0 to 4 baubles and then carefully slides the cup out from behind the screen. Then all players one by one jiggle their cups and listen carefully to the noises. Each player in his head adds up the number of baubles under each cup, the final total is the code of the round for opening a vault. Each player marks the sum he arrived at on his number wheel. When all players have placed their number wheels face down the cups are controlled: All cups are lifted and the baubles are counted. If you marked the right number on your wheel you may advance your treasure bag by three houses. If you miscalculated by one bauble you are still quite a passable burglar and can advance your treasure bag one house further. If you reach or pass the golden vault cracker trophy you win.

The game is part of the series LernSpielSpaßand that is exactly what it provides; learning or training well hidden by lots of fun, concentrating and distinguishing noises come as a matter of fact as part of the game. And players realize quite quickly that choosing 0 is not a good idea because in case of four players all others then know already two cup contents, their own and your zero one.


Players         : 2-4

Age             : 7+

Duration       : 20+

Designer      : Helmut Ast

Artist           : Eva Czerwenka

Price            : ca. 17 Euro

Publisher      : Haba 2011

Web             :

Genre          : Hör-Spiel

Users           : Für Kinder

Version        : multi

Rules           : de en es fr it nl

In-game text : nein


Comments    : Series: LernSpielSpaß * Learning happens during play, even fast calculations in your head become fun * also good as family game

Compares to : Bären-Hör-Memo, Zapp Zerapp

Other editions: currently none


Chance                0

Tactic                   1

Strategy__          0

Creativity            0

Knowledge          3

Memory               0

Communication   0

Interaction          0

Dexterity             0

Action                  1