


The ladybugs are crawling over the flower and sometimes they fall off. On this principle this game offers three different games, always assisted by a grown-up. Kullerkäfer is a guessing game, the child puts ladybugs on the flower, if the leaves are loose, the bug falls down. Brabbelkäfer is a singing game, the grown-up sings or speaks a rhyme, the child moves on the bug on the flower with each word, at the end of the rhyme the leaves are tested again, bugs on loose leaves fall off. In both games the child keeps the bugs on the flower. Krabbelkäfer is a movement game, the winner is who has completed a round on the flower, bugs on loose leaves fall off and have to try again.


Game collection * 1 or 2 children from age 2 ½  * Author: Brigitte Pokornig * ca. 10 min * ca. 25 € * 4258, HABA, 2000 *** Habermaaß GmbH, Postfach 1107, D-96473 Bad Rodach * Fon +49-9564-929-0 * Fax +49-9564-929-119 * www.haba.de