


collect stores with wagon and gondola


Hamsters are playing in their burrow, but winter is approaching and the food stores need to be filled. The board is assembled and wagon, elevator, gondola and hamster wheel are played in their indentations on the board. All leaves are placed into the treetop and three feed tiles per player - carrot, ear of wheat and clover leaf - are placed on their respective spaces on the board. All hamsters start in their living room and the starting player takes charge of the hedgehog piece.

The starting player and then, in turn, all other players, roll the die and then move their hamster across as many rooms. Wagon, elevator, gondola and hamster wheel are considered to be one room and are moved accordingly in their indentations, but do not use a die step for it; you can move the elevator up, enter it, go down to the other end of the shaft and exit, all this does not use a step. If you reach a food case, you take one tile; if you then encounter another hamster who does not carry a food tile, you can hand yours to him or carry it yourself to its corresponding storage case and put it down there. Before the starting player rolls for his next turn, he places a leaf from the tree next to the hedgehog for his winter nest. When all food is in storage, before all leaves are with the hedgehog, all players win together.

I am tempted to say: a true Haba game! Attractive components, simple rules, a very nice topic for children and enchanting details - the end-of-fame conditions using leaves for the hedgehog’s winter nest and the moving “rooms” raise the game way above the level of a simple roll-move-collect game.


Players: 1-4

Age: 4+

Time: 15+

Designer: Tim Rogasch

Artist: Cornelia Haas

Price: ca. 15 Euro

Publisher: Haba 2016


Genre: Cooperation, collect

Users: For children

Special: 1 player

Version: multi

Rules: de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Marvelous components with special details

Nice topic for children

Simple rules


Compares to:

Roll-move-collect games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 2

Interaction (brown):  2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0