Einhorn Glitzerglück


Four unicorns - Sparkling Char, Stardust, Marvel Flower and Magic Heart - live in the Land of Clouds and play on the clouds. When a thunderstorm threatens they flee to the sun and try to take as many Cloud Crystals as possible to safety on the way. You roll a die - for clouds you move as many steps; if reach a white cloud you move along the rainbow to its end; on a pink cloud you roll for crystals and on a purple cloud you give one crystal from stock to any player. If you roll muffin you pass your turn. If you are first at the sun you take the four crystals there and win if you have most crystals.


Roll & Move game for 2-4 players, ages 3+


Publisher: Haba 2014

Designer: Kristin Mückel

Art: Stephanie Roehe

Web: www.haba.de

Stock#: 300123


Users: For children

Age: 3


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no