Der schwarze Pirat


Players sail their ships from island to island, always threatened by the Black Pirate Salvatore Seeteufel, who wants to rob them. In his turn a player rolls both dice, the flag die determines the island where a gold coin is deposited. The wind die determines whether a player moves his own ship or the pirate ship and how often he may use the bellows. If a player can move a ship into harbour, he takes all coins from the island. If the pirate ship touches another ship this ship is boarded and players toss for the treasure in the ship owners’ bag. When all gold coins have been collected, the player with the most coins wins.


Dexterity game * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Guido Hoffmann * Illustration: Guido Hoffmann * 4232, Haba, Germany, 2006 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *