

Placing cards from your hand scores points, action cards and stars give bonus points. In your turn, you either draw two cards or place a colored Conex corner of a card - for as many points - on the scoring board or on a card already on display - only on a background of the same color, the card can only touch one card or the board, must not cover any Conex corners and not exceed the playing area. For a card with a dice symbol you roll and draw cards or receive stars, which you can use later to remove a free card and cards from players’ hands or to double points. Placing a corner on the +2 card gives you two bonus points.


Card placement game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Haba 2017

Designer: Prospero Hall

Artist: Benjamin Petzold


Stock#: 303497


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no