CV Gossip


In the dice and card game you guide a person through their life, and make deccisions; you roll combinations and receive cards for them, which in turn provide symbols and special abiilities. In this way you influence friends, relationships, job and activities of your character. Basic mechanism of the game is rolling dice for combinations as known from Yahtzee or Poker, in order to acquire  cards.

In the Gossip Expansion two new types of cards are introduced: Gossip and Fate. Gossip cards can be played into the CVs of other players to encumber them. Fate cards can be bought with good luck and bad look symbols.


Expansion for CV for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Granna 2014

Designer: Filip Miłuński

Artist: Piotr Socha


Stock#: 00246 1


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: en pl * In-game text: yes