City Council


As a member of the city council in a newly founded city you win support = victory points from political groups by doing them small favors. You propose plans; they are voted on and implemented if accepted. Buildings and zones are activated, unemployment is reported and actions are implemented, adhering to detailed rules. Finally, the consequences of your work are monitored and will bring or lose the city residents/workers. When someone has acquired 11 VP you win at the end of the round with most VP. Should at any time all crime and pollution markers be on the board the city is closed down by the government.


Worker placement game for 2-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Golden Egg Games 2013

Designer: Elad Goldsteen

Art: Giota Vorgia


Stock#: GEG108


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no