

Mord im Weisswurststüberl

Who murdered Elfriede Butterweck? 


Schlemmen, spielen & ermitteln / feast, play and investigate again in the second case of the series, this time featuring Bavarian scoundrels, albeit also including an acquaintance from the first case, Mord in der Villa Mafiosa, among the weekend guests in Flori Beidlschneiders Hotel.

The victim is “Godmother” Elfriede Butterweck”. Minimum five and maximum eight players, including the host, want to find out who is responsible for her untimely demise; all guests are dyed-in-the-wool scoundrels who love good food. Therefore, the instruction booklet for the game also includes „Bayerische Schmankerl“, recipes provided by each of the eight characters; for instance, Mushroom Soup by Hansi Hinterwimmer or Bavarian Meatballs by Freifrau von Filzmoos or Bavarian Burgers by Vroni Gasslhuber. Those recipes are of course ideally suited to provide the culinary background for the crime dinner.

The host takes on the role of Flori Beidlschneider and invites all guests, thereby assigning other roles. At the start of the evening, cards with directions are dealt to each character, listing questions and answers that need to be asked and given as instructed – but you have a joker to interrupt the investigation to ask for more information or clarification – this is the moment for creativity and improvisation, but you must not change information given on the cards. After the 5th contribution from the host, all players give a guess on the culprit.

This is again a very well-made variation of the basic crime dinner format, with lovingly constructed details and enriched by the additional dimension of the recipes providing local color.


Players: 5-8

Age: 14+

Time: 90+

Designer: Michaela Küpper, Marlies Müller

Artist: Marlies Müller

Price: ca. 19 Euro

Publisher: Gmeiner Verlag 2018


Genre: Crime dinner

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: yes



Second game in the series Schlemmen, spielen & ermitteln

One character from the first game appears again

Comes with topic-related recipes


Compares to:

Mord in der Villa Mafiosa


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 2

Knowledge (yellow): 3

Memory (orange): 1

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0