
50 Rätsel mit Ausflugstipps


The game mechanism known from black stories games featuring seemingly inexplicable statements or puzzles, which must solved by asking questions, is expanded by regional context. You can only ask questions which can be answered by the “know-it-all” game master with yes or no; he can also ask for a new question in case of irrelevant questions or questions that cannot be answered. He can also give tips when questions are totally off track. This game contains puzzles pertaining to the Bodensee region and provides - together with the solution - also information and daytrip suggestions for the regions and the exact location for the respective puzzle.


Puzzle solving for 2- or more players, ages 12+


Publisher: Gmeiner Verlag 2018

Designer: Sonja Klein

Art: Simone Hölsch


Stock#: 22192


Users: With friends


Special: 2 players

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes