

There seem to be endless variations on classic games and combinations of classic mechanism, here is the newest combination. DinGomino combines dominoes and mechanism from games like Uno or Rage. Play again, reverse game sequence, lose a turn, and – especially aggravating – take 2, 4 or even 6 pieces from the pool. The winner is who gets rid of all his pieces first.


Placement game * 2-8 players from age 6 * Classics variant * ca. 15 min * 30181,  Gigamic, Frankreich, 2001 *** Gigamic S.A. * Z.A.L. Les garennes, B.P. 30 * F-62930 Wimereux * Fon: +33-321-333737 * Fax: +33-321-332716 * www.gigamic.com * gigamic@gigamic.com