


Majority is all that matters!


The name already gives a clue - Triangoli is a game about triangles. There are 24 small triangles on the board, forming six areas of four triangles each, the six areas do not overlap. They areas, however, share crossings of the lines that form the triangles.

Aim of the game is, to control as many areas as possible with more marker tokens than your opponent. You begin with one marker on the board and 18 marker tokens of your color in open stock.

In the Movement phase of your turn you move your pawn one, two or three steps on crossings straight along the lines; the target crossing must be adjacent to at least one free triangle, you cannot jump over the opposing pawn. In the Placement phase, you put as number of marker tokens in an empty triangle adjacent to your pawn, equal to the number of steps that you took. You cannot distribute the marker tokens on several triangles. Finally, in the Exchange phase of your turn, you replace opposing marker tokens for your own, again as many as you took steps, and this time, you can take marker tokens from several triangles, albeit only those adjacent to your pawn. If there are not enough marker tokens, you must exchange the maximum possible number. If you cannot move, you must pass, but can never pass voluntarily. When no move is possible anymore, areas are scored one by one - if you have the majority of marker tokens in an area, you leave them there. When all areas are scored, you win with most marker tokens on the board.

Elegant and very good, a typical Gerhards game at that, deceivingly simple, but a rather a challenge, with majorities changing very quickly.


Players: 2

Age: 10+

Time: 30+

Designer: Klaus-Peter Rudolph

Artist: not named

Price: ca. 40 Euro

Publisher: Gerhards Spiel & Design 2017


Genre: Abstract, are control

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: multi

Rules: de en fr

In-game text: no



Classy components

Simple rules

Challenging gameplay


Compares to:

Abstract area control for majority


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0