

A wooden board shows 36 dents; 36 marbles are randomly placed there, but you must take care that there are never two pieces of the same color adjacent to each other horizontally or vertically. In your turn you choose a color and remove one or more marbles of this color from the board. You can take off a marble if at least two of its sides are free of neighbors and if it leaves the rest of the marbles on the board still orthogonally connected. If you take the last marble off or if you own all six marbles of a color, you win. The game is also available in a big version with cylindrical pieces instead of marbles.


Abstract collecting game for 2-3 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Gerhards Spiel und Design 2011

Designer: Dieter Stein

Artist: not named


Stock#: -


Users: For families

Age: 6

Special: 2 players


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no