
The Game - Spiel 13


You are a visitor at SPIEL and run from booth to booth with your wish list. Games are only available in limited numbers and you must manage your budget and cope with obstacles. The more games you care the less mobile you are within the halls and you must take a break and take games to your car. In seven rounds you play the phases 1) Exhibit maintenance phase including Release of Games, Popularity, Events and Crowds, 2) First Player Phase and 3) Player Actions Phase with Move, Purchase Play-test, Unloading and Cash withdrawal.


Set collecting with action point allocation for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Geek Attitude Games 2014

Designer: Fabrice Beghin, Frédéric Delporte und Etienne Espreman

Artist: Cyrille Breuil


Stock#: 193003


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Regeln: de en fr nl * Text im Spiel: nein