


A case for the heN detectives!


The golden egg was stolen from the hen coop! The fox thief must be identified before he disappears in his burrow. A thief card is placed secretly and unchecked into the decoder. 16 cards for suspects are placed around the board, two of them openly; 12 clue tiles are distributed face-down on the board.

The active player decides if he wants to roll Paws for searching for clues or Eyes for revealing suspects and names his choice; to be able to do the desired action, you must roll either all paws or all eyes; you can set aside and re-roll twice.

When you achieve the result, you can move your hat marker by the number of paws you rolled. If you reach a clue tile, you place it into the decoder and check if the suspect carries this item; if you see a green dot, all open suspects without this item are cleared and removed to the box; for a white dot, you remove all open suspects carrying the item.

If you selected Eyes, you can turn over one of the face-down suspects and check him for items that are already visible on the board. If you fail to achieve the desired dice result, the fox moves three steps toward his burrow.

When the fox reaches his burrow or an accusation is wrong - the card in the decoder shows another fox - all players lose the game together; when the correct suspect is the only one left next to the board or is accused correctly before that, all players win together.

Eva was revealed - was the dot showing in the decoder for the bag green or white! Cripes! Verfuxt! A marvelous version of clue collecting as a family game with a topic suitable for children; collecting of clues is sophistically managed and the components are enchanting.


Players: 2-4

Age: 5+

Time: 20+

Designer: Marisa Peņa, Shanon Lyon, Colt Tipton-Johnson

Artist: Melaine Grandgirard

Price: ca.19 Euro

Publisher: Game Factory 2017


Genre: Deduction, cooperation

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: de fr it + cn ms th

In-game text: no



Enchanting components

Very attractive clue collecting mechanism

Variants with number of fox steps or number of suspects to reveal


Compares to:

Cluedo and other deduction games


Other editions:

Gamewright (en), Kanga Games (cn, ms, th)


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 2

Communication (red): 2

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0