Memorable Stories

Pamietne Historie


Cards show animals, items or persons in job-related clothes. You must guess words represented by those cards to score points. In rounds one and two of the narrative phase you have a number of cards and tell a story using all cards; if you use one word related to a card you lay out the card. At the end of the story you turn over the cards and stack them. For the guessing phase players take up cards in the first stack and then in turn you point at another player and name a word. If this player holds the corresponding card you get it.  When all cards have been guessed or all players have passed you win with the highest score from cards collected minus cards of your own that were not guessed.


Narrative game for 3-8 players, ages 8+


Publisher: ST Games / G3 2014

Designer: Piotr Siłka

Artist: Sylwia Smerdel


Stock#: 44559 3


Users: For families

Age: 8

Special: Many players


Version: multi * Rules: en pl * In-game text: no