Fury of Dracula


Up to four hunters are pitched against Dracula, he always moves first, moves from location to location leaving encounters for the hunters. If he enters a location with a hunter, he attacks immediately without leaving an encounter. A hunter first moves, if he finds an encounter he has to deal with it or fight Dracula. If the location is empty, the hunter can rest or restock. If Dracula is reduced to Blood 0 or less or is beaten in a confrontation, the hunters win as a team Dracula wins when his Vampire Track shows value 6.

Original edition with Games Workshop, © 1987


Fantasy-adventure game * 2-5 players from age 10 * Designers: Stephen Hand, Kevin Wilson * Graphics: Andrea Navaro, Scott Nicely * ca. 3 hours * VA31, 10 919 9, Fantasy Flight, USA, 2006 *** Fantasy Flight Games * Distribution: Heidelberger Spieleverlag * www.fantasyflightgames.com