Dust Tactics


Following Dust now comes Dust Tactics in Paolo Parents parallel Earth of Dust. Dust Tactics is a confrontation Axis against Allies, two companies, each headed by a hero each, Captain Joseph Brown and Colonel Sigrid von Thaler, in a miniatures tabletop. Each game simulates a battle, which is played in rounds; in each of these rounds a unit has two actions, in any combination of move and shoot or sustained attack. You choose one of the scenarios or create your own; the game always ends at the end of a round, either by completing a scenario goal or by elimination all enemy units; a miniatures tabletop with simple basic rules and complex details.


Sci-Fi/Fantasy tabletop * 2-4 Spieler ab 14 Jahren * Designers: Olivier Zamfierscu, Paolo Parente, Laurent Duclos, You Guglielmo * Art: Vincent Fontaine, Davide Fabbri, Matthias Haddad, Karl Kopinski, Laurent Lecocq, Domenico Nezili  * ca. 45 min * AEG5210, FFG, 2010 *** Fantasy Flight Games  * www.fantasyflightgames.com