

Domino variant using Variominos = tiles with slots for dice, and 72 dice in two colors plus one red die. In the variominos with four slots the pip sum of two dice on a side equals the value of that side; the backside of the tiles features fixed number values from 1 to 4 at the four sides, they are added to the dice pips.Those components can be used for several games, among them a sudoko version, Ludoko as a Sudoku variant for two players, Hijara - a collecting game for two players, and Paddestoel - a placement and calculation game. The material can also be used to create games.                  


Game compilation in a test edition, for 1 or more players, no age given


Publisher: Edition Perlhuhn 2009

Designer: Reinhold Wittig mit Volker Berthold, Martin Samuel



Users: For families

Special: 1 or 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no