Pelican Bay


Landscape tile featuring beach, jungle and lagoon are laid down, two in a turn and you score the biggest landscape that you extended. The two new tiles must each touch two already in place with correct, adjacent landscapes and must be placed for the same area. When an area is closed, you mark it with a pelican and score the closed area plus the biggest open area you extended either instantly or after a second turn, you choose which. There are special rules for joker, end-of game phase, final round and final scoring of pelicans. You win with most points.


Tile placement game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Drei Hasen in der Abendsonne 2013

Designer: Jacques Zeimet

Art: Rolf Vogt


Stock#: 60888-0005


Users: For families

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no