Small World Keine Panik!

Be not Afraid!


Small World simulates the rise and fall of civilizations in a fantasy setting. You choose a combination of race and special ability and then extend your realm, conquer others and hoard victory coins. In round 1 a move comprises choosing race and ability, conquer regions and receive victory cons, in further rounds extending your influence by conquering regions or extinguishing your race and choosing a new one and again getting victory coins. After a given number of rounds you win with most victory coins.

Keine Panik! expands Smallworld with five new races and five special abilities: Races are BarbariansPixies,  Homunculi, Leprechauns and Pygmys; Special abilities BarrikadeCorrupt, Imperial, Catapult and Mercenary.

All this is accompanied by a storage box for all expansions that have been published up to date.


Expansion for the development game * 2-5 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Philippe Keyaerts * Art: Miguel Coimbra * 7937, Days of Wonder, France/USA, 2010 *** Days of Wonder *