Schatten über Camelot


Players are Knights of the Round Table and cooperate to win the game, but in their midst an unknown traitor lurks. On a main board and three quest boards the knights battle to fulfil their quest, to bring 12 White Swords to Camelot. A move consists of two phases, Advance of Evil and Heroic Deeds, for both there are several choices. If the Evil Side can surround Camelot with 12 siege engines or if 7 Black Swords lie in Camelot or if all true Knights are dead, the players have lost the game together.


Cooperative adventure game * 3-7 players from age 10 * Designers: Serge Laget, Bruno Cathala * Graphik: Julien Delval * 7431, Days of Wonder, France, 2005 *** Days of Wonder *