Das 20. Jahrhundert

20th Century


Regions develop differently – they turn into a center of finance, of science or of production – and the environment pays the price of progress. The aim of the game is to develop a region where the environment is healthy and the economy is healthy, too. In six rounds you direct the settlement of your region and at the end of the round receive funds and research results. After rounds 2 and 4 you receive bonuses for the development status and at the end more bonuses for income, progress and environment quality of the region.


Co-Production with Heidelberger Spieleverlag


Placement game for 3-5 Spieler ab 10 Jahren * Designer: Vladimir Suchý * Art: Milan Vavroft, Filip Murmak * ca. 90 minutes *** 030756, CGE, Czech Republic 2010 *** Czech Games Edition * www.czechgames.com