Valentina - TuttoCrepax Vol. 1


Valentina is a Comics character created by Italian artist Guido Crepax. For each one of 16 motif cards there are 6 colored tiles that together form the motif; all 96 tiles are laid out face-down in a 12x8 grid. Depending on the number of players you have two to four motif cards and either play a kind of memory - you turn up a tile and put it on your card if it fits the motif, and draw another tile. Or all search the grid simultaneously for tiles suiting their cards and can put back unsuitable ones either openly or face-down. In both variants you win if you are first to complete all your motifs.


Search, memo and collecting game for 2-6 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Cranio Creations 2014

Designer: Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino, Antonio Crepax

Art: Guido Crepax, Ugo Cristofori, Archive Crepax


Stock #: 580301


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en it * In-game text: no