Le Mot le plus Court

SHortest word with all letters


Three 12-sided dice show all consonants in different combinations. The dice are rolled and all search for a word containing all three consonants, the order of use is immaterial, multiple use or use of additional consonants is possible. If you find a word you announce the number of letters, NOT the word, and start to count down from this number; if someone finds a shorter words he announces the number and starts counting. You can name numbers more than once, but not immediately one after the other, another player must have announced a lower number before you can announce a second number. When your countdown ends uninterrupted you name your word. When the word has the correct number of letters you note the number of letters for your score; otherwise all other players, Version with a vowel die.


Publisher: Cocktail Games 2013

Designer: Jean-Jacques Derghazarian, Michel Pinon

Art: Stéphane Gantiez


Stock #: 14117 1


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: fr * Rules: fr * In-game text: no