Ces Années-la


Events from the 70ties to the 00oes need to be dated as exactly as possible. Questions from categories are asked and the team can confer and then mark the year or a period with a jeton on the appropriate disc for the decade: 0 marks an exact year, 1 includes the year before and after the marked year, 2 includes two years and 3 three years. Then you put Jeton + Disc in the middle; if the answer is correct, you discard the jeton. You win if you are first to discard all seven jetons.

Other editions as Times to Remember and Das waren Zeiten, MB 1991 - 1993


Quiz game for 2-16 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Blackrock Editions / Cocktail Games 2012

Designer: Richard Borg

Art: Tony Rochon

Web: www.cocktailgames.com

Stock #: 14106 5


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: fr * Rules: fr * In-game text: yes