Battle Sheep


Sheep rival for the best pastures. The joint Big Pasture is assembled anew for each game by placing four parts per player, adjacent over at least one edge. 16 sheep discs for each player begin the game as a stack on one of the border squares. For you turn you leave at least one sheep behind on your current starting position and move the rest of the stack forward over free squares in a straight line to the next sheep or board edge. When all your stacks are blocked, you pass to the end of the game. If nobody can move anymore you win with most pastures, in case of a tie with the biggest connected pasture.

New edition of Splits, Jactalea 2010


Placement game for 2-4 players, ages 7+


Publisher: Blue Orange Games 2014

Designer: Francesco Rotta

Artist: Andrea Femerstrand


Stock #: 00501


Users: For families

Age: 7


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no