played for you



Ball for the pool?


Four hobbies are presented – Horseback Riding, Soccer, Swimming and Painting.

A big wooden board shows four big square indentions in the middle and 36 slots around the edges for the image tiles. There is a template card for each hobby, showing a hobby-related scene on one side and, on the other side, hobby-related item images and a small-size replica of the hobby scene from the front side. 36 puzzle parts show the item images on one side and part of the scene on the other side; at the start of the game they are image face-up sorted into the corresponding slots, which are marked with a contour drawing of the image item.

Each player chooses a hobby and takes the corresponding template card; if you want you can place into one of the four slots in the middle of the board. Your marker corresponding to the color of your hobby is placed on the flag of the same color. Then you roll the die in turn: For pips you move forward accordingly and take the puzzle part that you reach, if it belongs to your hobby; slots thus emptied do no longer count for movement steps. If you rolled the cup you can take any of your own item images. If you reach an image tile showing a cup, you turn it over and can take it if it fits your hobby puzzle. Images that do not fit your hobby are put back in their slots. Whoever is first to complete his hobby scene, wins.

In a variant for older children you play without templates.

High quality, well-made and good and not cheep – this is a very attractive assignment gaming, which exercises hand-eye-coordination, imagination and first rules games; a copy template for the images allows you to make a memo-game.


Players: 1-4

Age: 4+

Time: 15+

Designer: not named

Artist: Katrin Kerbusch

Price: ca. 70 Euro

Publisher: Beleduc 2016


Genre: Assignment

Users: For children

Special: 1 player

Version: multi

Rules: cn de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



High-class components

Very simple rules

Good for first rules play

Also good for free play


Compares to:

Assignment games, Lotto

Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 2

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 1

Action (dark green): 0