Formula D


A car racing game with all the chicanes, but basically very easy: The higher the gear the further you can move. For each gear level there is a die, you take tyres and engine into account, save petrol for the final lap and must brake properly in the bends to cross the finish as winner. Optional rules are constructing your car, do training laps, hold races over three laps and take weather into account. In this new edition you can hold challenging road races on the backside of the „Monaco“ track.

New edition, previous editions with Ludodeliré und Eurogames Descartes


Autorennspiel * 2-10 players, ages 8+ * Designers: Laurent Lavaur, Eric Randal * Art: Stéphane Poinsot, Nicolás Caniaux, Arnaud Simon-Laforet * FDDE, Asmodée, France, 2008 *** Asmodée Editions *