

Die Ameise & die Heuschrecke

Collect or steal supplies


The Grasshopper tries to steal supplies from the Ant. In a round, two players are active as Ant and Grasshopper. For the Autumn variant, you place 16 of 48 path tiles in 4x4 grid. The Ant places her ants on adjacent path tiles and secretly chooses a type of path. The Grasshopper guesses by placing his marker on a tile. The Ant reveals her choice - when the Grasshopper guessed correctly, she takes all such path tiles with ant. If not, the ant takes all selected tiles with an ant. Supplies thus collected are marked and path tiles with insects are taken. When the Ant could collect, her left neighbor is the new Ant; otherwise, the player remains the Ant. The Grasshopper always passes her role to her left neighbor. When someone reached the maximum of two supplies or there are not enough path tiles, you win with most points from supplies and path tiles with insects.

In the Winter version, you collect victory points by buying supply cards. In the Ant’s turn, all other players are Red Ants and guess with their selection tiles. When the Ant collects, she can choose other tiles for tiles with insects. When the Grasshopper could not steal, the Red Ants draw path tiles for correct guesses. When Ant or Grasshopper collected, they may buy a supply card by discarding suitable path tiles. You win with four supply cards. In a version for the Winter game, ability cards for insects come into play.

A simple, neat guessing and collecting game in the Autumn version, more for children, with lots of fun and a high replay value. The Winter version provides an attractive and challenging family game with tactic behind the guessing.


Players: 2-4

Age: 8+

Time: 30+

Designer: Yoann Levet

Artist: Naïade

Price: ca. 20 Euro

Publisher: Purple Brain / Asmodee 2017


Genre: Guessing, collecting

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: cn de en fr it ro

In-game text: no



Series: Tales & Games

Topic nicely implemented

Beautiful design

Simple mechanism

Attractive family game


Compares to:

Other fairy tale games for topic, games with collecting by guessing


Other editions:

GoKids (cn), Iello (en), Purple Brain (fr), Asterion (it), Lex Games (ro)


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 1

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0