Hansa Teutonica Britannia


In England, too, the rules of the core game apply, but there are also changes: Differences in the set-up; ships on some trade routes can only be claimed by merchants and not by traders. Bonus markers cannot be placed in Scotland and Wales and not on routes with permanent markers. Changes in resources in Scotland and Wales demand special permits, but those permits are cumulative. Other changes relate to resources movement and placement of traders and the game ends with eight complete cities. The “Kontor network” stretches from Oxford to York. The rules for two players have been revised.


Expansion for Hansa Teutonica for 2-5 players, ages 12+


Verlag: Argentum Verlag 2014

Autor: Andreas Steding

Art: Dennis Lohausen

Web: www.argentum-verlag.de

Stock Nr. 0016


Zielgruppe: Mit Freunden


Version: multi *  Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no