

Creatures in a cursed house must be displaced! The active player draws a card from the face-down heap - a creature is displayed openly, an item is taken up in hand. Then you can play any items to displace creatures - item values must equal or top the creature value. You may not tell values of your items, but can announce which creature you could oust or ask for a creature to be ousted by others. A 6th creature in the display or a group of creatures attacks and must be defeated with cards or limited seals. When all cards are drawn, and all attacks defeated, all win together.


Card game for 1-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2018

Designer: Steffen Benndorf

Artist: Jan Bintakies


Stock#: 01806


Users: For families

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: no