
Gründung und Glanz der Lagunenstadt


Players develop Venice by building houses, squares, bridges, churches and palaces and glide along the canals with their gondolas, the player travelling furthest wins the game. A move has three actions: Place cards and build, dry a swamp tile and draw cards, a forgotten action cannot be made good later. One can build with cards laid out, each building results in movement points for the gondola, one can build alone or together with other players. Movement of the gondola disregards occupied spaces, they are jumped over and are not counted. Gold earned by building in quarters adjacent to the gondola can be exchanged for movement points.


Building and position game * 2-5 players from age 10 * Designer: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede * Illustration: Oliver Freudenreich * ca. 60 minutes * 7330, Amigo, Germany, 2007 *** Amigo Spiel + Freizeit GmbH *