Piraten kapern


You roll dice for as many identical symbols as possible, especially for valuable diamonds and gold. A pirate card is turned up and you roll all 8 dice. You can roll dice again; the pirate card influences your rolls and earns you bonus or penalty points. If you end your turn you note your points. Before re-rolls you need not set dice aside and you can re-roll set-aside dice again, but always minimum two dice. Skulls are taboo and must be set aside. The third skull ends your turn without scoring. For four or more skulls in your first roll there are special rules. After more than 6000 points and a final round you win with most points.


Dice game with cards for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2012

Designer: Haim Shafir

Art: : Jose Pedro

Web: www.amigo-spiele.de

Stock#: 02510


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no