Players in turn discard one card onto a discard pile. A limit card determines the number of cards that can be discarded in each of the five colours. If a player suspects that the limit has been topped, he may accuse one of the players. Cards are counted, if the suspicion was correct, the accuser gets a bonus point and the accused must take the limit card with minus points. If the suspicion was incorrect, the accuser gets the limit card. At the start of the game players hold 5 cards and punt one face down in front of them, this card rises the limit in its colour by one. The active player must either discard a card onto the pile or exchange four cards of the same colour or accuse another player. When the last limit card has found a new owner, the player with the highest total of points wins the game.


Card game * 2-6 players from age 8 * Author: Uwe Rosenberg * ca. 45 min * ca. 5,62 € * 1940, Amigo, Deutschland, 2001 *** AMIGO  Spiel + Freizeit GmbH * Waldstrasse 23-D5 * D-63128 Dietzenbach * Fon +49-6074-37550 * Fax  +49-6074-375566 * *