Played for you



My ibex is faster!


Ibexes, maybe better but wrongly known as capricorns, want to climb up to the top of the mountain. You start the climb with five ibexes.

The active player rolls five dice up to three times, with setting aside and re-rolling dice. Then you move one of your ibexes by one step towards the top. But you must have achieved a result with your dice equal to a result indicated on the sign next to one of the cases in front of your ibex; for instance equal to or higher than the stated number, or equal to or lower, or a poker combination. If you could meet several results with your result, you can in any case only move one ibex. If you manage to roll a quintuple result, this result can be used as a joker. When you did not manage one of the necessary results, you must put one of your ibexes back to the start. When there is not enough room in the target case, you push. On a big case you push your own ibex up by one step if there are two or more of your own ibexes in the case; from a small case with one of your ibexes you push this one up by one step, chain reactions are possible. From a small case with an opposing ibex you push this ibex down by one step; chain reactions are also possible, but one of your own ibexes in such a downward chain reaction goes down, too. If you first ibex reaches the top, you turn over your marker; if you are first to get a second ibex to the top, you win instantly.

Standard dice rolling, the thrill and kick comes from the given dice results and from the pushing with the thrilling chain reactions. Ups, I have caused my ibex to go down, too! A super family game with challenge, vexation and fun!


Players: 2-4

Age: 8+

Time: 30+

Designer: Friedemann Friese

Artist: Christian Fiore

Price: ca. 17 Euro

Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2015


Genre: Dice, move 

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



Originally announces as Gipfelkraxler

Dice game with standard mechanisms

Tactic and thrill provided by pushing


Compares to:

Dice-determined movement games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0