Die Sieben Siegel


Trick announcing at its best!


Dear Readers! „Die sieben Siegel“ is a modern version of an excellent classic game from the 30ties of the last century, known as „Oh Hell!“ A short excerpt from my book „Die große Humboldt Enzyklopädie der Kartenspiele“: „It seems incredible, but this card game by Geoffrey Mott-Smith, intended as an alternative to bridge, combines a number of qualities which can only be found in an excellent game, regardless how simple it might seem to be. It is easily mastered, allows any number of players, does not need more components than a standard deck of 52 cards and does not, even after hundreds of games, allow for an absolutely correct prognosis immediately after dealing. This means, even for the most practiced tactician, that a small margin of variations remains. Furthermore, and that is intended for statistic fans, you can try to accomplish a record score in fixed rounds of players. In British and American family magazines also Blackout or Jungle Bridge have been used as names for this card game since its appearance in 1937, in German it is called „Trick Announcement“ in clear association with the aim of the game.”  Additional challenging variants can be found in the Enzyklopädie or in games, where with “Wizard” or Range” and many other games many representatives of this type of game offer entertainment of high value. “Die Sieben Siegel”, among experts, is considered to be the most challenging implementation of the basic principle. If you want to try your hand at trick announcement on the highest level is very welcome in the Austrian Games Museum.


My lamp this time alights on a pack of 75 cards, a card board marker called „Saboteur“ and 27 announcement markers called Seals or Siegel, which are indicators for card assessment and execution of the game. This is all you need for a challenging evening. The number of cards that you deal to a round of three to five players is left entirely to you. The difficulty to optimally use the hand you are dealt and shove off unwanted tricks to opponents is inherent in any number of cards. Who makes the most exact announcement using the seals in the five card colors red, yellow, green, blue and purple as well as with the special seals black and white will be the winner in the end. Contrary to normal trick games you must announce each trick in every single color exactly or take a black penalty seal. And, also contrary to standard procedures, in many dealings there will be a player who, as saboteur, has only one goal: to make his opponents take unwanted tricks. Very often this unfriendly act is applauded by other players. Red as the only trump color has a special importance as you might trick a color with it that otherwise might slip through your fingers. Strategic considerations during announcement alternate with tactical maneuvers during the trick phase, always in accordance with cards already played. Very often you must aim at simple limitation of damage and not collect a series of tricks with dead cards. The Seven Seals put their stamp on many a round and seal many a player’s fate.


Comments to: hugo.kastner@chello.at

Homepage: www.hugo-kastner.at


Players: 3-5

Age: 10+

Designer: Stefan Dorra

Graphics: Doris Matthäus

Time: 30+

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Year: 2003

Publisher: Amigo


Tactic: 2 von 9

Info±: 4 von 0

Chance: 3 von 9


Of course you need a bit of card luck, even in this version of trick announcement. But due to the demand for exact announcements for each color and especially due to the saboteur sophisticated tactical elements are introduced. Furthermore the lack of information on the opponents’ hands can be intensified by the saboteur. Some rounds end on a narrow margin, others earn you an avalanche of penalty points.



In our round we auction the saboteur, starting with a basic bid of three tricks. The player in the lead may only bid for the saboteur if makes a bid that is one point higher than his lead on the placer in second place. The reason for this rule: In the last rounds the favorite cannot get by with a cheap bid on the saboteur.


Hugos Flashlight

„Die sieben Siegel“, from the start, demand exact calculation in assessing the power of the respective colors, a certain cold-bloodedness in raising the bid for the saboteur and last but not least a good memory for cards already played. Tension up to the last moment is a certainty in this rather demanding trick game, as nobody wants to end his turn with a penalty seal.





Kangaroo hopping around the water-hole