played for you



maximum points in one color without any other color


This would be the optimum result – managing to collect most points in one color and not having to score negative points in any other color.

Sixty cards comprise five sets in five colors, each one containing twelve cards; each card represents one element of the Five-Elements philosophy. Cards are shuffled, stacked face down and then the top three are laid out in an open row. True to the name of the game – path or lane – you choose, in your turn, either a risky path or a secure one. For the secure alternative you take the card next to the stack from the display and put it down face-down. Or you choose the risky alternative, draw a card from the stack and place it at the end of the row. When the total value of the row, including the new card, is then higher than 12, you must take all cards in the row. But should the new card be identical to the one immediately adjacent, you do not take cards. Cards you took are placed in your stack, which you can check at any time.

When the last card from the stack has been drawn and resolved, you sort your stack of cards by color, choose one color to be scored for positive points – you add up the values of all cards – and then you deduct one point for each card of any other color in your stack. If you then have most points, you win.

Fortuna is much in demand in this game, the chance factor of drawing cards is driving the game; tactic comes only into play when taking cards from the row, and even there you depend on what is available. Nice, simple, a good game for beginners or for families with younger children, quickly explained and quickly played.


Players: 2-6

Age: 8+

Time: 15+

Designer: Andy Hopwood

Artist: Alexander Jung

Price: ca. 7 Euro

Publisher: Amigo Spiele 2016


Genre: Cards, value limit, sets

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: de en

In-game text: no



Nice design, nice topic

Easy rules

Quickly explained

Very much chance-driven


Compares to:

6 nimmt!, Set collecting games and games with limits


Other editions:

Dodekka, Coiled Spring Games


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0