Concerto grosso


The rabbits play a Grand Concert, 11 different musicians are in play. All cards are shuffled and dealt to the players. In his turn each player puts one card face down onto the discard pile and then turns it over. Attention! Most of the time you do nothing, but four musicians require action: The brass drummer wants arms up in the air, the singer wants covered ears, the conductor wants players to stand up and sit down again and the musician at the great drum wants applause. A wrong reaction gets you the discard pile. First player without cards turns into the Confuser, he can do what he wants and so distract the others. Second player without cards ends the game, the loser is the player with the most cards in his hand. New edition with changed rules, first published by Heye in 1994.


Card Game * 3-6 players from age 8 * Autor: Hajo Bücken * ca. 20 min * ca. 5.6 € * Amigo, 2000 * Based upon: Concerto Grosso, Heye, 1994 *** AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit * Waldpark D5/EG, Waldstraße 23 * D-63128 Dietzenbach * Fon: +49-6074-37550 * Fax: +49-6074-375566*