Las Vegas Boulevard


An expansion for Las Vegas featuring three dice sets for games with six, seven and eight players. Big dice replace one normal dice at the start of the game, but count for two in casinos, those biggies are always rolled with your dice and placed according to the core game rules. 10 purple dice are Kicker in a game for up to seven players, you can use them to remove dice already placed in a Casino. The rules also list a variant for 2-4 players based on the solo version: 2 dice are already in the Casinos, you have 2 bonus cards and always roll one dice of each color; colors and thus the owner of the corresponding bonus card win the money.


Expansion for Las Vegas for 2-8 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Ravensburger / alea 2014

Designer: Rüdiger Dorn

Artist: Mia Steingräber, Harald Lieske


Stock#: 269969


Users: For families

Age: 8


Special: 1 player

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: yes