Die Burgen von Burgund Das Kartenspiel


Princes in the valley of the Loire develop their principality. Five turns comprise six rounds each: You have two action cards in hand, choose one for the dice value and display it. Then you resolve an action according to the dice value – take card from a row, put a card from Projects into the Principality and resolve the effect, sell good from store for silver, increase workers, take silver or change workers/silver for victory points. With workers you can change values of cards on display and use silver to buy three action cards before, during and after the action. At the end you score card triplets, bonus and victory point cards as well as sets of animals.


Card game for 1-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Ravensburger / alea 2016

Designer: Stefan Feld

Artist: Harald Lieske, Julien Delval

Web: www.ravensburger.de

Stock#: 26 971 6


Users: With friends

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no