Kaiser, wie viel Schritte gibst du mir?


30 pace cards with footprints for indoor play and shoe prints for outdoor play, and 30 destination cards with colours and/or motives in front and letters on the back make up the game. Pace and destination cards are laid out, the pacemaker asks his neighbour “Emperor, how many paces?” The Emperor chooses a pace card, for a “?” he can choose between 3-20 indoors or 5-50 outdoors. The pacemaker chooses a destination corresponding to colour, motive or first letter. If he reaches the destination in the number of equally long paces stated by the emperor, he receives both pace and destination card, the length of pace can be chosen. Variants given.


Assessment game with cards * 2-8 or more players from age 6 * Designer: Karsten Adlung * Graphics: Peter Braun * ca. 20 Minuten * 05103 3, Adlung, Germany, 2005 *** Adlung Spiele * www.adlung-spiele.de * info@adlung-spiele.de