

Alter                    10




ICE CREAM PARLOR or Yoga-Studio?


This game is published to celebrate the 20 Year jubilee of Adlung Spiele. Players are asked to add attractions to a Fair ground. When doing so they must pay attention to building costs, pay insurance, consider possible risks and the influence of other attractions in the neighborhood. The cards have two sides that are used in the game – The park side shows an attractions and symbols for possible risks - waiting time, maintenance and fear. The info side of the cards shows costs for building the attraction (discard a card or hand one or more cards to another player for insurance or take a risk card building site) and the income from the attraction (money, cards, insurance payment or risk reduction).

The card Adlung Plaza is laid out as a starting card for the park, each player is dealt 3 attraction cards, three attractions cards are laid out as a display and the rest of the cards is stacked park side face-up. In your turn you have two actions and can either acquire a card from the display or build an attraction from your hand. When building, you must adhere to the arrow card for alignment of a new attraction. For each risk on the new attraction the values of this and adjacent attractions are added separately, when the total is higher than 4 you get the respective risk card(s), which influence later building projects. When the game ends after using up the draw pile and play of one final round the player with most money wins.

Adlungland offers an interesting mix of mechanisms in using the cards, a nice detail is the use of Adlung game titles for names of the attractions.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 10 and up

Dauer           : ca. 45 min


Autor           : Silvano Sorrentino

Grafik          : Claudia Flor

Titel germ    : identical

Preis            : ca. 9 Euro

Verlag          : Adlung Spiele 2010



Genre                    : Card game with a building topic

Zielgruppe             : For families

Mechanismen         : Place cards for optimum results



Standard topic

Interesting interaction of cards

Minimalistic components and packing

Recommended also for experienced players


Settlers Card Game and other games with building for cost/merit interaction


Zufall                            1

Taktik                  3

Strategie__                  1





Interaktion                   2

