Sushi Express


Players race through the town to deliver sushi to as many customers as possible. Each round consists of choosing a number, rolling the dice, move the van und replenish customer cards. Players choose a number between 2 and 12 and have 2 rolls of the dice to roll their number. If they do so, the may move their van, all players with lower number can move it, too. The van moves the chosen number of stops, occupied stops are left out, passing of the Sushi Express earns the player a customer or a tip from the customer card display. A halt in the park receives an action card. If the layout cannot be replenished, the first customer card of a colour scores 3 points, all others 1 point, the player with the least amount of tip cards looses the number of tip cards of the player with the most cards.


Race and betting game * 3-6 players from age 8 * Designer: Michael Schacht * Graphics: Michael Schacht * 6055, Abacus, Germany, 2005 * Abacusspiele Verlags KG * *