

Players throw a party for the animals and must provide enough favorite food. You hold 7 animal cards, 1 feed card and 15 honey drops; additional feed cards are displayed. You either swap an animal card with one from the stack or the display, or invite participants to the party. If you invite someone, all players add their feed cards to the display and then in turn place an animal card next to the corresponding feed card, up to the maximum shown on the feed card. Any animals left over need to be fed with honey. If one player is out of honey, you win if you have most honey left or the fewest unfed animals.


Card placement game for 2-6 players, ages 6 and up * Designer: Inon Kohn * Art: Christian Fiore * ca. 20 Minuten * 06101, Abacus, Germany, 2010 * Abacusspiele Verlags KG *